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« Watch behind you; remember you are just a man! | Main | We owe it all to Hillary »

August 29, 2008


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I hope it's Palin but who knows. All kinds of rumors are flying this morning. Kind of takes the luster right the heck off of Obama's speech last night (not that there was much there to begin with).

McCain's campaign knows how to keep a secret and his last word was that it was Wilfred Brimley!

Sarah sounds good to me. I like Mitt but Sarah also has the brains plus great charisma.

I just got the email from WSJ saying it is Palin. YAY!!! That's terrific, what a great pick.

Also, congrats on the Instalanche!

Don't want her for VP. Want her for P.

Wow, an incredible pick! I am so excited, I am going to donate time, money and enthusiasm to the Republican ticket this fall.

And I say this as a registered Democrat.

I predict that once the election is over and McCain/Palin has won, Hillary will be so solicitous of President McCain's health that he'll want to scream! Hill does not want Palin to be the first female P!

This is awesome. Now Hillary's supporters have a great reason to vote for McCain.

What a great move!

I think McCain belted one out of the park with this pick. Hillary who?

Mr Snitch: She will be as soon as Crazy Johnny departs for the sky carrier.

I watched John McCain come out in front of the cameras in Ohio, and I thought, "Wow, Sarah Palin has managed to make me feel excited about this boring old man."

I mean, I was going to vote for him anyway, but now, I'm going to VOTE! for him.

I've been hoping he'd pick Palin for weeks.

I am thrilled. Simply thrilled!!! She pronounces nuclear weapons, "Nucular." I love it!

Wow. Now that was a dynamic speech. I am not big on identity politics, but she brings a dynamism that seems like true fresh air. Is it because she is a girl? I am not sure I'd use the term "spunky" to describe a man, but she seems spunky, and I like it a lot.

Congratulations to all.

Gov. Palin is a wonderful choice.

A CEO, a Washington Outsider, NOT a Senator, accomplished, attractive, sound principles, well spoken, youthful, etc.

I wish they would tone down the vapid Clinton placation.

But all in all, the best decision I have seen the Maverick make in so many years.

A good day.

Hoping this inspires all to vote GOP.

Flash: HRC now on suicide watch at nearest hospital.

Oh yes :)

Declined according to gender, it's "determined" for a man, and "spunky" for a woman ;-)

Shaken up

I'm over the top with McCain's selection.

Sarah Palin is awesome.

A woman who made it on her own. She is so fresh, real and authentic. She's so American. How refreshing to see the working class who really work.

Her life story is inspiring. The First Dude is a hunk and she's already a corruption-buster who took on the ole boy network and won.

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