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August 03, 2008


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It was a delightful day. I'm so glad we were able to come see the fun. Meeting your sister and nephew - how wonderful to add 2 such lovely people to our circle of friends!

I thought I had gotten a better shot of Paul when they were grouped - but it seems he was hiding from the camera. ;-)

Living next door to Portsmouth, N.H. another port city that has combined the mystique of the waterfront with the tidy unloading of essential materials, it was a pleasure to see the photos of a celebration of the l waterfront.

I am thoroughly envious - sounds like a wonderful time was had by all.

Sissy, as a retired member of the "Hooligan Navy", sometimes known as "Shallow Water Sailors", sometimes known as the "World's Largest Non-Nuclear Coast Guard", it makes me proud to see the Coast Guard finally get the recognition is deserves. It's just a shame that it took 9/11 and Katrina to introduce the Coast Guard to most of the nation. When I first joined and the CG was under the non-leadership (as well as the rest of the nation) of Jimmy Carter ...I'm sorry, I can't say or write his name without throwing up a little bit in my mouth...we were known as Uncle Sam's Confused Group. We LITERALLY had to provide our own toilet paper (with sporadic water pressure and "Old Guard" supervisors, an improvised bedet was out of the question. TMI, I know. Later, with the underwhelming leadership of Beth Dole , we were known as the "Red-headed Step-Children" of the Dept. of Transportation. In her inspirational brilliance, she gave priority to the railroad system. Obviously, removing graffiti from rail cars was a higher priority than us knuckleheads "willy-nilly" saving lives and interdicting drugs before they hit the U.S. I often wonder if those railroad folks suffered as high a divorce rate as us non-entities "farting about" the high seas. THANK your nephew's beloved for serving in the CG. Also, tell her that if she hangs in there, she'll be strolling-about Wal-Mart in her "Retired Coast Guard" ballcap and pants pulled-up to her armpits before she knows it. There's a lot worse things than retiring in your late 30's/early 40's.

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