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July 23, 2008


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I went to the grocery yesterday to get a bottle of canola oil. I swear the price has doubled since the last time!

BTW: I prefer my corn based ethanol in a tumbler with ice. (And that's gone up too!)

Every time I see a male stripper I thank the man who invented Velcro! Oops - too much information?

Tiny is looking lovely as always today!

As usual Sisu is a font of education. At 88 it is great to know that it is never too late to learn new and interesting things. For some reason my computer did not pick up your post of last night until this evening.

Ahhhh, gin and tonics, the most perfect summerime drink of all. I'll never feel the same way about mosquitoes again. God bless the Queen!

Just a day or two before you posted on common burdock I was wondering about the weeds that had sprung up near the azalias at my daughter and son-in-law's house. It was really kind of pretty but is taking over the garden. Cool post Sissy! If I have a question about anything growing I should always refer to sisu!

Sorry we missed you in the Carnival. We have Tiny's post added now.

Great Information and post! It is very informative and suggestible for the user of solar energy, May I think it can be beneficial in coming days...

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