Out on the east drive this morning, Babe inspects the detritus of Tuck's project to reset the posts, restore the fence and reset that part of the brick walk and steps along the side of the house disrupted by the Big Dig two weeks back.
Notice the difference in green between typical New England midsummer brown lawn (foreground and background) vs. spring-green rogue patches of grass growing in amongst the bricks of the drive. Do the bricks set into the soil act as a dry well drawing water towards the roots?
Taking his work seriously, Inspector Cakes leaves no stone unturned.
Update: Artsy Catsy presents Carnival of the Cats #227, "the greatest traveling cat show on the face of the Earth."
It looks to me as if Baby is pleased with the reconstruction work that is going on.
Posted by: goomp | July 21, 2008 at 06:13 PM
This must be the season for it. My landlord has finally decided to repair my broken back yard fencing AND straighten out the drainage problems, spread dirt to level the yard, reseed and cover with straw! I'm fairly tickled and Sam the Wonder Cat is endlessly entertained by the construction work going on! Tells me all about it in his own special way when I get home each night!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | July 22, 2008 at 09:11 AM
Hoo, boy - thems is some kittehs.
Posted by: Elisson | July 22, 2008 at 10:06 PM
Sorry we missed you in the Carnival. We have Babe's post added now. No pun intended ;)
I can't tell from the photos whether the project was successful or not. If not, the detritus at least makes for some interesting photos.
Posted by: CatSynth (Amar and Luna) | July 30, 2008 at 12:16 AM