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July 04, 2008


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Looks like it was another lovely day down East. :-) A belated Happy 4th to you all.

A reading of the words of our founders which you quote in your Fourth of July post which features patriotic colors in its joyful pictures is a warning to us today of how fragile freedom can be and how we must continually be on our guard against those who usurp that freedom.

That soup would be suitable to be served at the White House at a state dinner.

And the American Flag complements Tiny beautifully...or is it the other way around?

Tiny and Baby are the perfect representation of their species! As is Sam the Wonder Cat, whose only minor imperfection is his abiding terror of noisy freight trains and fireworks! I spent a lot of time with him on my lap with his head under my arm for his version of safety!

in your Fourth of July post which features patriotic colors in its joyful pictures is a warning to us today of how fragile freedom can be and how we must continually be on our guard against those who usurp that freedom.

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