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June 12, 2008


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It looks as though it's going to be a great exhibition - I'd love to come.

I would not miss it! Invite, please.
How exciting!

I shall have to check with my better half, but if it can be arranged at all, I so want to be there!!! How wonderful!

And many congratulations. It's certainly due to all your wonderful pictures, but also to your ability to put them together with terrific words! Yay!

It is so rewarding to find the inspiration and hard work of "Beauty in Unexpected Places" recognized and exhibited.

Sissy - I have been a huge fan of your photographs from the very beginning (although I must admit the exceptional beauty of Tiny and the Babe were my first loves) but the beauty you find in your surroundings is just astounding!

I think the jerks in your area who object to something that was there BEFORE they moved to the area is amazing arrogance on their part! Personally - those salt piles are way more attractive than any YUPPIE! As are the pussycats, you and Tuck!

Thanks for inspiring me to do great things in my yard. I've decided to be slightly sly in the back 40 (so to speak) and do plantings that, when seen from above (and only from above) represent the Ohio State University logo! My own private giggle on a daily basis! Sam the Wonder Cat is also enjoying the just-for-him catnip plants I've provided on the back screened deck. My, my we are MELLOW these days when Mom comes home from work!

Congratulations; hope we will be treated to photos of the exhibition!

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