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June 16, 2008


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Beauty and practicality. Now that is intellectual.

WooHoo - can't wait to see them! How exciting. *grin*

Although it seems my husband will be on the road next week (at least it's not 100% confirmed but looking like it right now).

I shall bring my own camera and take pictures of you with your pictures. We can see if this caused infinite regression or something like that. ;-)

Sissy Willis's photographs in a gallery: Beauty in an Expected Place.

I wish I could be there to see 'em.

On the bidnis cards front, Avery sells excellent prescored card stock. Print your artwork with your inkjet printer, and the sheet snaps into individual cards - no X-Acto required. Or you could go the Sir Speedy route, as you indeed have.

I checked the driving directions from my house and it's an impossibly long trip from D.C. for a regular weekend type thing. So it's still a possibility for a long weekend type trip if the exhibit will be running any length of time!

But only if I get to meet the pussycats!

How wonderful! That's very cool. Will definitely try to get there.

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