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May 06, 2008


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Enjoyed the romantic post and the America. Legend has it that the Queen commented as she sailed by, "Look how she schoons," and from that came the word schooner to describe that type of rig. Thanks for the nice photo.

That photo of Tiny on the table is just gorgeous!

Simply awesome work; 'God is in the details'. ;)

WooHOOOO!!! Congratulations Tuck! It looks wonderful. I almost didn't get over here yet again today (haven't been online much at all the last few days) but I'm very happy to see the completed work of art.

Now - where does your kitty get those huge green eyes? It's always fascinating to see just how green they are. *grin*

And Goomp is looking veerrrry spiffy indeed.

Goomp is one fine looking man, that's for sure. He looks like someone you'd like to just sit down with for a few hours of truly intelligent conversation - a rarity where I live and work (Washington, D.C.).

But oh that picture of Tiny! What a great shot and what a beautiful beautiful feline! I make it a practice never to let my Sam see pictures of your cats, Sissy. They are his equal in beauty! Almost, since of course, Sam makes my heart go pittypat on a daily basis!

What a great picture of Goompa!

Beautiful photos. I used that poem in a post once too:

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