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April 23, 2008


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Still praying for Nancy and amazed that you've been in my home town! Cleveland is, in many ways, an amazing city although their baseball team regularly breaks my heart! But then, BoSox fans know how THAT feels. In what parish was the service held?

(Incidentally, that's how you can identify either a Clevelander or someone from Chicago. You don't ask "east side or west side" - you ask which parish! Nowhere was that more strongly brought home to me than when I was living in Columbus and met someone from Cleveland who automatically ASKED me which parish I grew up in!)

Gayle: It's St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception.

I think we need to give you a bag of bread crumbs so you don't get lost ;-)

I'm glad to hear everything went well. She was a lucky woman to be so very loved.

Your pictures are excellent as always!

I am glad you have the Old Salt's navigating instinct to help you find your way back to port.


An amazing trip, as even in passing from the living, someone who has affected you so wonderfully, is still doing so as they depart.

The photo of the WTC made this reader skip a few beats.

How could anyone not take these current threats against the FREE seriously?

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