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April 05, 2008


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Once again I say that I believe the Judeo-Christian culture is the best interpretation of the wisdom of the ages of Humankind and belief in God is not to be belittled by atheists such as myself. The current Pope is an inspiring example of one who supports a tolerant view of those who support these values.

So many excellent links, Sissy! Good job, you've already found the good stuff. Let the countdown begin - only 2 weeks to go!!

Great post that reminds us how the MSM will be shocked to learn how Catholic the Pope is.

It's hard not to love this Pope who loves cats, hats and Fanta and who, better than anyone else in the West, realizes what's at stake in the world today. When the EU in its arrogance would prefer not to be reminded that its roots are in Christendom, the Pope stands tall and almost alone against the 'dictatorship of relativism.'

I bet that Americans will take him to their hearts.

I've never read Rocco... thanks for the heads up!

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