"Victoria's Secret presents 'The Heavenly 70 Fantasy Bra' created by jewelry designer Mouawad and inspired by the VC Angels Collection. Price: $10,000,000. Paging Neil Cavuto. How will this affect the stock market?" we captioned this delicious image featured in a December 5, 2004 post filed under our categories "Girls just wanna have fun," "Great works" and "Let's roll!" Sure, it was fun to be admired in our salad days for our physical beauty by every bloke who crossed our path, but when we lost our looks, our vision came horrifically into focus.
A link to our December 5, 2004 blog post "Avert your eyes, Osama & Company" showed up in the Site Meter stats this morning. An anonymous seeker of wisdom and truth at IP address in San Diego had typed "free naked super models" into an msn.com image search, and Voila! Our post was mostly about online Christmas shopping:
If George Soros has anything left after pouring all that money down the MoveOn.org black hole -- not to mention his rumored potential losses trying to manipulate oil prices to GW's disadvantage in the runup to the election (the rumors are purely speculative, but one of Hindrocket of Power Line's readers makes a plausible case) -- he may want to get one of these (there's only one) for his mistress, but for the rest of us, there's plenty of other sweet and sensuous stuff at more down-to-earth prices at Victoria's Secret for all the wonderful women on our list.
Pretty poor fodder at the end of a strenuous cyberspace search for "free naked super models." But it makes for a catchy blogpost headline.
What one commits to the blogosphere remains forever, and the foolishness of the super rich can be mighty.
Posted by: goomp | April 06, 2008 at 10:54 AM
And as always goomp is both pithy and wise!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | April 07, 2008 at 11:17 AM
Chumming for traffic? Maybe now someone will end up here looking for X-mas ideas? ;-)
Posted by: Tim Abbott | April 07, 2008 at 04:01 PM