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« Papa Ratzi: A "luminous star" and a way out of the "dark night of history" | Main | "A glimpse of the clearing" »

April 10, 2008


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Great post. That last sentence packs a whopper!

Thank God for Pope Benedict XVI - he is what this world needs right now. And I'll get to see him next week. How exciting!

Pope Benedict is outstanding.

It really was amazing, to see the likes of CBS, NBC, ABC, NY TIMES, etc., try to push the dishonest conception that Catholics - Christians were looking for a more "LIBERAL" POPE !

Then their slanted representation of the newly selected Pope Benedict, truly sank to ugly lows.

I suppose it works for the best in many ways, as the misleading portrayal of the very good, only enhances their story as they grow to shine.

I was soooo ready to buy the mug, but when I went to Cafe Press all I saw was Baby stuff... Where's Papa????

Iris: I am in communication with the folks at Cafe Press, and as soon as things are up and running, I will let you know!

Somehow, I was able to purchase three of them just after downloading the designs yesterday, but they never made it to my "store front." Sigh.

Thank you for your interest!

Judeo-Christian values plus freedom from those who tell us what foolish interpretations of human nature we must believe are the salvation of Western Civilization.

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