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March 05, 2008


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It is interesting that skunks have made your open area in the city their home. Living in a large country area we seldom see skunks and our kitties running loose avoid contact with the skunks and fox who live in the area.

Yes, we rarely see anything except chipmunks (which we have in abundance living in the rock walls) I don't believe I've seen a since possum, skunk, or raccoon since we've moved out to the wilderness. *grin*

Poor Tiny. Hope the smell wears off soon!!!

Awww, poor Tiny. A few years ago our little Silky Terrier, Shadow, got skunked. The passage of time helped with the smell, but even weeks later, we could still detect eau de skunk on the top of her head. She was actually very proud of her new fragrance!

Poor little Tiny! We don't have skunks [that I'm aware] but an abundance of raccoons and possum. And feral cats who mark our house. Can't forget them.

Hoo, boy. Not fun at all for Tiny. It's one of the risks faced by the Outdoor Cat.

Quotable quote of the day:

"Certain it is, that every animal most willingly makes room for the Zorillo."

In the fall we had a large skunk that came to visit and eat the bird seed that had fallen from the feeder in the tree. I believe that it was at least 18 inches by 12 inches. Yeah, about the size of a piece of 11x17 paper. Big 'un.

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