"Because white people are afraid that if they don’t like him that they will be called racist" explains Stuff White People Like in defense of certain white people's -- you know, the "typical white person," as Obama himself puts it -- fear of telling it like it is. It's the white person's politically correct counterpoint to Shelby Steele's "bargaining, a "mask that blacks can wear in the American mainstream, one that enables them to put whites at their ease." We were somewhat astonished to find that we ourselves were pretty much in sync with the mostly left-lite SWPL -- 'specially things like Dinner Parties with their ultimate goals of doing "a better job than the couple at the last dinner party and attempt to make everyone jealous and sort of dislike you." Tiny above, the typical gray cat amongst the freshly colored eggs.
We've been trying for days to blog our heartfelt conviction regarding Barack Obama's defense of the indefensible, his twenty-year spiritual bond with the indigestible Reverend --- it depends upon what your definition of reverend is -- Jeremiah Wright. We had it in mind to listen to Obama's speech the other day and then have our say, but we had the good fortune to read Thomas Sowell's pre-speech take just before the rhetorical wonder who sends thrills up Chris Matthews's leg took the podium.
While talking about bringing us together and deploring "divisive" actions, Senator Obama has for 20 years been a member of a church whose minister, Jeremiah Wright, has said that "God Bless America" should be replaced by "God damn America" -- among many other wild and even obscene denunciations of American society, including blanket racist attacks on whites.
We tried to listen to the Big O when he came on LIVE cable TV, but, like American Princess, "at some point, we got tired of listening." Soaring rhetoric was never our thing. Since December of 2006 we've had Obama's number -- check out our prescient blogpost "Did Obama just call me a racist?" re Obama's snowing of the "feel good about themselves" Democrats of Portsmouth, New Hampshire -- but there's nothing like a Sowell essay to get one firmly back on the path to righteousness.
Our colored eggs ensconsed in their egg carton called to mind the faithful in their pews at St Paul's in Cambridge yesterday evening when we joined our beloved Jill and MB for Maundy Thursday services, observed in commemoration of the Last Supper of Jesus. [From Middle English maunde, ceremony of washing the feet of the poor on this day, from Old French mande, from Latin (novum) mandatum, (new) commandment (from Jesus's words to the Apostles after washing their feet, John 13:34). See mandate.] Egg coloring tip: Put color tablet and 3 tbsp lemon juice into 1-cup plastic glass. When tablet is dissolved, add 1/2 cup water, stir and dip hard-boiled white eggs a minute or two till color is as you like it.
Tom tells it like it is:
The fact that Obama talks differently than Jeremiah Wright does not mean that his track record is different. Barack Obama's voting record in the Senate is perfectly consistent with the far left ideology and the grievance culture, just as his wife's statement that she was never proud of her country before is consistent with that ideology.
Cutest little girl cat ever was, our Sweet Tiny Pea egg-carton-side this afternoon.
"And do women not live politics, John Adams? When I go to the cupboard and I find no coffee, no sugar, no pins, no meat, am I not living politics? This war touches people that your Congress treats with the same contempt King George reserves for the people of Boston. I mean women, yes, and slaves too, for that matter. Though I am sure that I would not mention that subject as it might upset your southern friends." "You are harsh madam.." "I am cold."
Okay, Barack and Michelle Obama. Check out John and Abigail Adams and get back to us.
Update: Friday Ark # 183 touches people where they live.
Update II: Dr. Sanity reminds us yet again that there are so many insanities and so little time.
Appearance often hides the truth. Mrs. Adams spoke the truth and after two hundred years it has penetrated to a great extent.
Posted by: goomp | March 22, 2008 at 08:03 AM
As always, Sissy, you cut right through the nonsense and come to the point. Great post!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | March 22, 2008 at 09:28 AM
Beauty is not just on the outside, is on the inside too. Tiny is beautiful, Obama not so much.
I'd be interested to see his VP pick as well as his cabinet. That would be telling. I'd hate to see who he'd pick for the Supreme Court thou.
Posted by: mog | March 22, 2008 at 12:59 PM
Aw - pretty kitty among the bright Easter eggs!
I so agree with you about watching a speech with "soaring rhetoric". I find myself magnifying every over the top statement, then cutting it to ribbons in my mind. This means I am very quickly wondering why I'm wasting my time listening to such drivel. I have yet to understand the "enchanting spell" Obama seems able to cast over his admirers.
As for Thomas Sowell. There is a man I would dearly love to meet. He never ceases to amaze me with his insight.
Posted by: Teresa | March 22, 2008 at 02:09 PM