For his adoring fans, some beefcake of the Babe out in the yard this afternoon reading scent messages in the ivy that grows on the neighbors' house.
The news we wanted to hear from Colleen at Typepad comes in over the transom late afternoon:
Engineering has found an issue and they're working on fixing that on the backend and restoring your images. We'll let you know when that is complete.
At the end of his tether, Cakes strains toward the next scentstop on his fact-finding tour.
As we exclaimed in our reply, "Totally awesome."
A sad note: Heartbreaking news from Elisson -- catblogger extraordinaire -- whose "happy, eternally purring Meat Loaf," Matata passed into the great beyond this day following a brief illness. An incandescent spirit. A life well lived. A sad place in our heart for the Elisson family's great loss.
Yay!!! I'm glad they found the bug. Isn't it fun being a beta tester.
Posted by: Teresa | March 03, 2008 at 08:42 PM
I hate when that happens. Stupid glitches. I do love Wordpress.
Posted by: Greta Perry | March 03, 2008 at 10:23 PM
RIP Matata
Do Kittens really die?
Posted by: hnav | March 04, 2008 at 12:01 PM
I am absolutely convinced that Matata is busily at play with my dearly departed Boo and Rocky and their lovely sister Cuddles (who belonged to my sister Linda).
Meanwhile, I continue to say it all the time, Tiny and Baby are the most gorgeous cats on Planet Earth - after my beloved Sam of course!
Having a "fluffy" baby at this time of year is a major time investment - I have to comb Sam twice a day at this time of year and glean enough loose hair to knit another cat!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | March 05, 2008 at 03:47 PM