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March 23, 2008


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Glad you had a good Easter, Sissy (and goomp, Tuck, Tiny and Baby). Spent the day with a friend of sis Linda's, met her son, the son's girlfriend (the highlight of the day - she's a KEEPER) and ate good food. Missed spending the day with the Sam character though!

Blood sacrifice is a primitive and barbaric practice ("God sent God to die for God so that God could forgive God's creations according to God's unbending rules - too Rube Goldber for me." - LanceThruster). The Zombie Jesus cult takes a lot for granted but then “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” ~ H.L. Mencken


Just thinking of that grand meal...

Happy Happy.

Best wishes.

Mr. Thruster: Your post betrays a nearly unfathomable ignorance of Catholicism and Christianity and a completely indefensible attitude wherein you presume to display contempt for those of us who have a belief system.

So I'll pray for you daily and hope that some time in the future you will discover the ability to see what is in front of your face so plainly: God sent his only Son to die for our sins. And yet He continues to live in our hearts, minds and souls.

Just because YOU don't believe in anything enough to die for it, doesn't mean the rest of us are so puerile!

God bless and keep you, Mr. Thruster.

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