"MoveOn shows what Americans can achieve when we come together in a grass-roots movement for change," declared Barack Obama -- apparently not recognizing crabgrass for the weed it is (above, invading our terrace last summer) -- in a statement issued a couple of weeks back in response to the Soros-seeded "progressive" organization's endorsement of his candidacy.
"Without a formidable Republican opponent in his U.S. Senate race, Barack Obama has little reason not to take money from billionaire liberal financier George Soros, a man other Democrats keep at a distance," wrote Robert S. Bluey in CNSNews back in July of 2004 on the eve of the emerging national leader's prime-time address at the Democratic National Convention:
Obama, however, is different from most Democrats because of his willingness to embrace the controversial Soros [blogged here early and often]. Shortly after Soros equated the abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Obama joined him for a New York fund-raiser June 7.
The event, held at Soros' home, boosted Obama's campaign at a time he was still facing a challenge from Republican Jack Ryan. After news broke about information in Ryan's divorce records, the candidate was forced to drop out.
Fast forward to today's London Times, where the premier UK daily's Washington correspondent is taking Obama's deputy campaign manager Steve Hildebrand -- "the chief author of Barack Obama's grass-roots strategy" -- at his word, failing to cast a fair-and-balanced eye in the direction of the above-mentioned Burpee Soros seed money, not to mention the healthy dose of Scotts Oprah's Miracle-Gro that gave those "grass roots" a top-down steroidal edge from the get-go. We're reminded of the disingenuousness of the big man's own "bafflement," in the wake of Oprah's informal endorsement over a year ago in December of 2006, blogged back then in "Did Obama just call me a racist?":
“Are some voters not going to vote for me because I’m African-American? Those are the same voters who probably wouldn’t vote for me because of my politics,” Barack Obama told ecstatic New Hampshire voters yesterday. Being one of those voters who probably wouldn't vote for him because of his politics, we were naturally offended at his suggestion that people like us are racists. Swept up in the locals' devotional hysteria, however, the media didn't seem to notice. Folks hear what they want to hear . . . "Obviously, it is flattering to get a lot of attention, but I must say it is baffling, particularly to my wife," Obama quipped.
As we asked rhetorically at the time, "You don't suppose Oprah's endorsement might have had something to do with it?" Still, our hat is off to Hildebrand, the self-described "big fat goof" of a campaign mastermind who -- according to the Times account -- analyzed the Clinton approach and did the opposite:
While Hillary Clinton has won most of the key contests that she has made a priority, Mr Obama is leading the race for delegates because he has picked up most of the other states. “We have competed in large and small states -- primaries and caucuses -- and not let any state go by,” Mr Hildebrand explains in an interview with The Times. “It's beyond me why the Clinton campaign did not do the same.”
“I don't want to be like Karl Rove," the wide-eyed Karl Rove wannabe of the Obama campaign told the Times:
"One person in politics does not have that much influence on anything. Rove built an image for himself as the guy who got Bush elected twice. Sure -- and then they went forward to destroy this country.”
When Mr Obama's advisers started to consider a run for the White House in November 2006, it took a “big leap of faith” to put together an insurgent campaign “with no donor base up against the Clintons.”
Yes. A big leap of faith and a big steaming pile of Soros money and Oprah hype.
Update: Speaking of big leaps of faith and steaming piles, Barack's missus declares [via Michelle Malkin] "Our souls are broken in this nation," and "Barack Obama is the only person in this who understands that." Saints preserve us!
Update II: Captain Ed has the last word:
Government doesn't exist to save souls; it exists to ensure domestic tranquility and provide for the common defense. If I feel my soul needs saving, the very last place I'd look (in the US) for a savior would be Washington DC or Capitol Hill. I'll trust God and Jesus Christ with my soul, and I'm not going to mistake Barack Obama for either one.
Update: Maggie's Farm links.
Update II: "Yes indeedy -- fertilizer does make things grow," comments Elisson:
Presenting the Obama Mushroom Farm! Just add manure and keep everyone in the dark.
The man does have a way with words. Also with the catcam. Be sure to treat yourself to his Whistlerian Symphony in Beige No. 1, AKA The Beige Puddies.
If the people who think George Bush destroyed this country come to power I feel that the policies they will follow will put the country beyond saving.
Posted by: goomp | February 16, 2008 at 01:13 PM
If only the Supreme Court would enforce the Constitution and restrict the government to insuring domestic tranquility and providing for the common defense the lack of need for full time political spenders would make life a lot simpler.
Posted by: goomp | February 16, 2008 at 01:42 PM
"...Rove built an image for himself as the guy who got Bush elected twice. Sure -- and then they went forward to destroy this country.”
All I can say is... this is destruction? Compared to what?
Good lord!
As for Obama and Illinois. Even if there hadn't been the divorce problems for Ryan, the Republican party in that state is in such disarray, he would never have been elected. It's a wonder they can field ANY candidate - even the lame ones they have managed to put forward. *sigh*
Posted by: Teresa | February 16, 2008 at 04:01 PM
Another fascinating offering from the Mighty SISU.
And yet, taking on the Clinton Machine and doing well, deserves some notice.
I imagine an articulate, youthful, energetic, positive Campaign of Mr. Obama will be as effective against the angry, bitter, aged, dishonest, Keating 5 Member of the Senate for 24 years.
Ironically, the McCain Campaign is suggesting they will 'USE' President GW Bush for fund raising, but will keep some distance in appearance.
Do they realize the Congressional Approval Rating is even lower?
And Senator McCain is a visual 'celebrity' symbol of the Washington Swamp for three decades?
Posted by: hnav | February 18, 2008 at 12:58 PM
Yes indeedy - fertilizer does make things grow.
Presenting the Obama Mushroom Farm! Just add manure and keep everyone in the dark...
Posted by: Elisson | February 18, 2008 at 04:02 PM
For some reason, every time I hear Mr. Obama speak, I think of that story "The Emperor's New Clothes" and Gertrude Stein!
Anyone who has THAT effect on me can't be good!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | February 20, 2008 at 04:30 PM
Check this out - we are talking big money - BO just appointed an Arabist apologist to be his foreign policy adviser (those Muslim men know how to handle women).
Posted by: Greenconsciousness | February 24, 2008 at 06:31 PM