We were surfing the blogs and the cables when a real-world caterwauling broke through the psychological haze of a Betty White PetMeds ad [We love 'em and at first thought the caterwauling was part of the commercial]. Dashing outside, we found Baby and Tiny, at the full extensions of their tethers, in high dudgeon over the intrusion of a fluffy gray-and-white street cat on their turf.
Our appearance on the scene sent the street cat heading for the hills, not before breaking our heart not only with his resemblance to the Chelsea Grays, but specifically with a crooked ear that suggested either mites or -- a problem Babe has that we are able to relieve by periodic Q-tip Therapy -- excessive ear wax. Then there was the intruder's scantilly-furred tail end that reminded us of Tiny and Baby's mother, the stunning feral Sweet Pea's attenuated tail tip that told a tale of kittenhood trauma we could only imagine in our worst nightmares.
Update: More sad times at Modulator's Friday Ark #178, where Meryl Yourish and friends are mourning the loss of the late, great Tigger.
The Grays look beautiful but angry. No immigrants wanted.
Posted by: goomp | February 15, 2008 at 05:36 PM
LOL - Sissy your cats are so incredibly photogenic I'm always amazed at how regal they are.
Do I detect a wistful note of wanting to save a kitty? I think so. I have a feeling Tiny and Baby would have quite a bit to say about that. *grin*
Posted by: Teresa | February 16, 2008 at 03:44 PM