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February 25, 2008


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I've been on a blog diet for the last week since I was traveling. I don't think it's done much for my figure. *grin*

Hill better be careful. If she gains too much weight, she won't be able to get that vaunted national health care thing she's wanted for so long.

Those knees are begging to be covered. Your title should maybe be "horrible legs." Obama would win in the knees competition. Maybe that's why he is ahead. :)

My Aunt Helen had legs like Hillary's, but she was a good kindergarten teacher for 30 years in the Boston School system.

Then again - Hillary could also be sporting something that resembles my big fat bum - then she'd really be in trouble!

Of course, thanks to Sissy's Cold Turkey recipes, the derriere is ever-so-slowly assuming more reasonable proportions!

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