"There’s been plenty of speculation since self-described Democratic-independent Sen. Joe Lieberman started stumping for Sen. John McCain in December that Al Gore’s 2000 runningmate might reprise that role for his Republican friend," the WSJ reported three weeks back. In the wake of McCain's "monster lead" following Super-Duper Tuesday, Scott Ott of ScrappleFace is suggesting Fred Thompson's the one. Above, former Senate colleagues John McCain and Fred Thompson (AP photo)
"Nothing in America is inevitable. We are the captains of our fate. We can overcome any challenge as long as we keep our courage and stand by our principles," Super-Duper Tuesday's Republican man of the hour John McCain told supporters and the immediate universe in his Victory Party speech last night [via A Second Hand Conjecture]. The words were what we disaffected freedom-loving, small-government-embracing, invisible-hand-holding types thought we'd never hear from the free-speech-restricting, anthropogenic-global-warming-proseletyzing, economics-challenged frontrunner who is enjoying what Shepard Smith is calling a "monster lead" over rivals Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee. Who knew the proprietor of the Fast-Talking Straight Talk Express had principles? According to Reason Magazine's Michael W. Lynch [via Transterrestrial Musings] in a 1999 profile of McCain, "The Good Soldier," it depends upon what your definition of principles is:
"I'm fundamentally a deregulator, a free-trader, a free-enterpriser," says McCain, as he begins to rattle off a list of libertarian bona fides. "Most of my efforts have been to reduce the size of government. I spend weeks every year trying to turn back pork-barrel projects. I fought 10 years for the line-item veto. I believe in smaller government, the best government is local government . . ."
Yah, except when it isn't:
"The tobacco deal, and perhaps for some, campaign finance, is not in keeping with my [conservative and libertarian voting record]," McCain admits, in a bit of an understatement. The question is what this high-profile apostasy says about a man who clearly wants to be president . . .
Asked what he wants people to think when they hear his name, he says "principled" without hesitation. Press accounts are salted with quotes from McCain and his admirers about how he "does what's right."
As with principles, it depends upon what your definition of what's right is, as Lynch explains:
For John McCain, principle is fundamentally about honor -- personal honor: about keeping his word, about doing what is right and doing it well. "Principle" combines honesty, stubbornness, and loyalty. This notion of principle is very different from adhering to a consistent political philosophy. It explains McCain's popular appeal, especially in contrast to the exceptionally dishonorable Clinton administration, but also accounts for the distrust, even contempt, he inspires among the ideologically committed.
"In the end," concludes Lynch [this was 1999, remember] "it looks likely that McCain's maverick sense of virtue will keep him from any serious run for the presidency":
Although his bravery and charisma might serve him well in a general election, GOP primary voters care about political consistency. The party's traditionalist and libertarian wings may bitterly oppose each other, but they both profess a definition of principle that is bourgeois, impersonal, and quite foreign to McCain. It is not enough to be honest, stubborn, and loyal.
Our principles are bourgeois and impersonal? We beg to differ. They are heartfelt and based upon a lifelong study of human nature. As for McCain himself, we're sure he's stubborn and loyal. Honest? Once again, we guess it depends upon what your definition of honest is. Then there's what George Bush Pere called "the vision thing":
When the [Weekly] Standard's [Andrew] Ferguson tried to nail him down on his vision, McCain replied: "The first thing I'd do is convene the best minds I know of in the field of foreign policy . . . I'd say, `Look, let's figure out where we are, where we need to go, and what our conceptual framework is. Let's work out a cohesive foreign policy.' I'm sure that those people, with their collective brilliance and a lot of experience, could come up with a very cohesive foreign policy."
Relying on experts "goes well with a military background," says Rahe. "The Navy and Air Force see the world as engineers, a series of technical problems that need to be fixed." McCain, who repeatedly calls on the authority of experts to justify his positions on issues ranging from foreign policy to tobacco, fits this pattern well.
In that context, Scott Ott's "Team America Strategy" on how McCain can beat the Democratic nominee begins to make sense:
A Democrat-nominated inflatable porpoise would pull at least 49 percent of the popular vote in a general election. So, what chance does maverick McCain have against a ruthless machine like Hillary '08, or a well-organized, well-funded messianic movement like Obamamania?
Short story: Sen. McCain can't do it alone . . . but Team America could. The Team America strategy calls for the war hero to run as Commander-in-Chief, and to surround himself with Lt. Generals who compensate for his weaknesses in almost every other area.
Fred Thompson on as vice president to serve as the Constitutional conscience of the administration -- an ideological gravitas behemoth -- who can do for President McCain what Dick Cheney has done for President Bush on foreign policy . . .
Mitt Romney reminds voters of "the guy who laid them off." This is, of course, precisely the kind of guy we need to tame our bloated bureaucracy . . . as director of the Office of Management and Budget . . .
Rep. Tom Tancredo, the stalwart champion of secure borders and respect for the rule of law, would naturally serve as director of U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (formerly the INS). Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani could head up the Department of Homeland Security.
Now that's an administration we could get on board with. One final note -- as we ourselves suggested here the other day for the self-professed economics-challenged Senator McCain -- from Betsy Newmark: "I think a lot of politicians would benefit from getting a tutorial from Thomas Sowell."
Update: Welcome, Instapundit readers! If McCain's nomination doesn't kill us, it will make us stronger.
Update II: Welcome, Maggie's Farm readers!
Update III: Welcome, fellow asylum inmates. Dr. Sanity is in.
I agree, if John McCain laid out a cabinet anything remotely like that, I'd be happy to vote for him.
But I will bet you a year's salary that he won't. He's made it clear that his greatest joy in life comes from cutting the legs out from under Republicans of all stripes. If he proposes a cabinet it will include Lieberman, Gray Davis, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Hamilton Jordan.
And, of course, John Sununu, who last brought us David Souter and opposed the Patriot Act. And who's now McCain's chief judicial advisor.
Posted by: dsinope | February 06, 2008 at 09:04 PM
I have struggled with McCain, like you. I can't say that I trust him, and I don't think I ever will - but realistically, I haven't trusted too many politicians anyway. Right now, McCain looks like he will be the alternate horse to the Billary/ Obambi stable. And when I look in there, I can't find the pony...
Posted by: Carol Ward | February 06, 2008 at 09:34 PM
i like fred but he's meh at this point. would rather have romney for vice president even though he and mccain are the odd couple.
Posted by: john marzan | February 07, 2008 at 05:29 AM
I cannot vote for McCain...
There is no chance.
Fred would be just another part of the Senate facade, as he helped produce that garbage we call Campaign Finance Reform.
Too many had some ugly bias against Mr. Romney's Religion and his success in the private sector.
I am just as disgusted with many on the right...
Having witnessed the most pathetic expression in regards to the fine Mr. Romney.
And John McCain led the way...
His own Mother even engaged in some ugly Mormon references...
McCain actually reminds me of 'Clinton-LIGHT' on the Republican Side.
His deceit regarding the Bush Tax Cuts, repeated smearing of Mr. Romney, 'respect' for Hillary Clinton after she demeaned General Petraeus?
Then there is Lindsey GRAHAM !
I would never vote for Obama or Hillary, but probably will just vote to boost the Republican Conservative Majority in Congress, without a vote for President.
The larger problem is, the GOP is going to suffer from a lack of funding and support, and many Conservatives will find the local races difficult without an inspiring Candidate on top of the ticket.
Liberals were cheering the defeat of Romney in Florida, and on Super T, for good reason.
The Beltway Insiders, all got in line to support McCain. (even Fox News had the most bizarre coverage for the past month).
The big point...
It is utter insanity, of running a life long Washington Insider with no vision, or sign of accomplishment.
* The polls suggest Americans are not happy with those in the Capital, yet they (led by many misguided efforts) are encouraging the same dysfunctional incompetence.
I believe in personal responsibility, and it seems we are destined to get what we deserve.
some Pundits are actually going to push a Senator of 24 Years, the old Keating 5 Member, who is peddling global warming taxation...
Romney represented far more than just a sound conservative.
He offered a proven CEO from outside the Washington Swamp.
The liberal McCain is just a part of the mess in Washington, and his voting against TAX REDUCTION is a vivid sign of the folly...
I honestly don't feel McCain has a vision to win the GWOT, as he is even unwilling to pour water over the face of terrorists to save American lives.
It is no wonder McCain did so poorly at the Academy long ago...
I think McCain would have a tough time defeating Hillary...
But, if McCain faces Obama, regardless of his running mate, look for a Democrat victory.
Posted by: HNAV | February 07, 2008 at 07:33 PM
After all the derision thrown at the Liberals when Bush won the last election and they were all in a tizzy over it... you would think Conservatives would have learned something. (you know - along the lines of - he won by getting people to vote for him)
Apparently I over estimated the innate intelligence of Conservatives. Everyone seems to be having palpitations over McCain in exactly the same fashion that the libs have BDS over his last 2 elections. I'm shocked at the level of vitriol for a man who is winning by persuading voters to - wait for it - vote for him!!!... isn't that the way the system is supposed to work? Or is it only a good system when the guy you want manages to win?
I'm not a fan of McCain - I don't think any Senator makes a good President. Period. But the outcry of "I'm not going to vote for that guy" just shows how Conservatives are quite willing to wear the same hair shirt the Liberals use when they don't get their way.
Oh how the mighty have fallen. *sigh*
Posted by: Teresa | February 07, 2008 at 09:02 PM
Strange love. Or maybe Slim Pickens?
As TH is wont to say, "I kill me!"
Posted by: Tim Abbott | February 09, 2008 at 05:11 PM
I think John McCain is a Democrat in Republican clothes. I don't really like him but..... I would vote for him before Obama or Chelsea's Mama
Posted by: Lukie | February 10, 2008 at 08:58 PM
John McCain has served our country with courage (5+ years of captivity - a significant portion of which was as a prisoner in the infamous Hanoi Hilton) and true distinction - unlike the fraudulent John F. Kerry.
He has been a member of the Senate for a very long time and understands the workings of that august body.
And THAT is why I am so reluctant to vote for him. Those 5+ years have had their effect on him - whether apparent or not. Are we certain we know the many ways in which McCain's psyche was compromised? Certainly the man's virulent temper is the stuff of legend. And that is a quality in a President about which I have very mixed emotions.
Plus, McCain is a total insider. It's ludicrous that we are basically given a selection of the authors of the problem (Beltway insiders) in order to solve it! Nuts and then some.
Still, of the three (Clinton, Obama or McCain), McCain is the least offensive.
In order to have BETTER choices in the future, maybe we should spend the next 4 years doing everything in our power to defuse the explosive politics of personal destruction fueled to nuclear proportions by the Clintons since their arrival on the scene. I know of few people insane enough to run for public office these days!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | February 11, 2008 at 03:01 PM
Although he is lacking in experience, I wanted Fred Thompson to be President. Since that's out of the question, I think he would make a good VP because of his recent contributions dealing with health care, trade, Social Security, taxation, and International Security. While Fred works on these issues, McCain can give efforts into finalizing the war in Iraq while keeping an eye on Iran and hopefully prevent another war. McCain would also be able to spend time working on stopping illegal immigration (being from Arizona, McCain should have some ideal plans after having it in his back yard since the 80's). However, I could see Colin Powell being chosen for VP because he has dealt so much with the war in Iraq and I think we need someone with the knowledge to make sure we finalize it correctly. Lastly, I could see McCain making a surprising move and asking Ron Paul to be the VP because I think he may need the libertarian vote to be able to beat Obama or Clinton. Maybe this is not all what I wanted out of this year's Presidential Election; we definitely can't have an Obama or another Clinton in office.
Posted by: Douglas Spear | March 12, 2008 at 02:12 AM
As a devout Fred Head when Thompson was still in the race I absolutely love this idea the entire cabinet makes sense and would be perfect. The only problem is that Thompson's stance on immigration would collide heavily with McCain's. The VP is still up for grabs even with the Romney talks, I hope that McCain would only just remember his friendship with Fred.
Posted by: Nate | April 07, 2008 at 07:35 PM
That was a good read, Sissy.
Like a lot of Republicans, I have my deep concerns over a potential President John Sidney McCain III.
But just thinking of a potential President Barack H. Obama, even a second's worth, alleviates my doubts.
I'm not sure it'll be Fred Thompson, but let me say, the ticket needs an injection of youth. In Republican terms, that's Giuliani or Romney.
We shall see.
Posted by: Victoria | May 18, 2008 at 10:31 PM