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February 22, 2008


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"They even close their eyes and pull down their ears to assist."

As does Ellie the HuggaMutt! Harness means going outdoors, and that's all there is to it.

Not sure about a kimono, though.

It is great to see that the venerable Beadie has gone down in blog history some forty yeas after her departure.

Adan is one of our best dressed cat friends.
Fanks for joining the Carnival of the Cats this week!
Mini and the rest of the Hotties

Sam's response to the possibility of clothing would be a resounding snarl, and likely a nice chomp on whatever hapless portion of my hand was attempting the indignity! On the other hand, he is mighty fond of tuxedo cats, so he might enjoy meeting Adan, in order to instruct in the art of not being robbed of one's dignity - something Sam imagines he possesses! Considering that he was snoozing on the oversized ottoman this morning when I left the house, all 4 paws in the air and a definite snore coming from his face - not so much!

Sam now has me well trained to hold open the kitty door once each morning and once each evening so that he might trot out onto the screened in deck for his constitutional. For some reason, he has no problem whatsoever negotiating the kitty door coming back INTO the house!

This includes cleansers, dish soap, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, antifreeze, plants, etc. Keep all poisonous items out of reach, either in a locked cabinet or in an area your pet is not allowed, such as the garage or the basement. If you have a plant that is poisonous to your pet, consider getting something else instead. Even if it’ s up high your cat can still get to it if he’ s determined enough. For a list of poisonous plants, click here.

Hey I work at a Pet costume retailer, and I got to say, those are some very nice looking cat costumes!

I have a question, your blog posting date is feb 22 of 2009, but it is only feb 14th!

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