The view from the terrace yesterday afternoon in the aftermath of Monday's nor'easter. It started early morning as rain. Then the cold front moved in, and the rain turned to big, heavy, slushy flakes that stuck to the branches, followed by small, light, fluffy flakes that piled on, transforming the urban forest of Chelsea into a Winter Wonderland. Final accumulation a modest but respectable 4 to 5 inches that called for our shoveling the Kitty Play Yard and Tuck's trotting out his shiny new Xmas snow blower to do the driveway and sidewalk. The whole city was shoveling, and camaraderie was in the air.
Morning imail snapshots:
Gooomp: Coldest night of the winter expected
tonightSunday night . . . 10 degrees.We: Brrrr.
Where did the time go? Just under 20 hours -- between 10:17 yesterday morning and 6:13 this morning -- have disappeared down the memory hole of our site meter stats. 'Hope that doesn't compromise our advertising rates.
Where is the love?
We: Something wrong with the site meter. It says I have had zero visits in the last hour, PLUS the hours between 10:17 yesterday morning and 6:13 this morning are missing!
Goomp: Hillary's fault.
We contacted the support folks at sitemeter, who emailed back:
Thanks for writing. We are having a problem with the services that handle your account. We are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Thanks for your patience and patronage.
Patience? Who, us? Still, we appreciate their prompt response. Checking again early afternoon, we notice all our gains since 6:13 this morning have been wiped out, and the site summary claims we've had zero visitors in the last hour and only 70 since midnight. We long for the days of our CrotchaLanche.
Update: Afternoon imail snapshot:
She: I share Goomp's theory, re your disappearing stats.
We: I added "What Britney's crotch did to my stats" in there to try to make up for the losses I've suffered so far, once sitemeter gets their act back together.
She: LOL. I saw the method. I was more concerned about
tonight'sSunday night's being the coldest night of the year.We: A two-cat night.
Meanwhile, back to our stats. Britney + spears is, indeed, this very day, still among Technorati's top ten "Tags from what’s rising today":
apple barack obama baseball blogging britney spears christmas google hillary
Bring on the meaningless visitations!
What a fabulous photo of country style winter in the city. Pardon me but I made a boo boo. The coldest night is supposed to be Sunday. How I got it to be tonight remains a mystery of the aged.
Posted by: goomp | January 16, 2008 at 05:57 PM
Goomp: Not to worry. I've updated the copy above.
Posted by: Sissy Willis | January 16, 2008 at 06:02 PM
What an amazing photo...
so wonderfully American.
something incredible about Winter.
water is just visually fascinating, especially when it is frozen.
"Hillary's fault" !!!
i watched the Democrat debate, and found myself wincing.
seriously, i don't mean to be mean, but there is something truly unattractive about Mrs. Clinton.
and the constant demeaning of this fine President, exhibits the complete lack of Clinton class.
it is a telling sign, that those supporting the current Democrat Party, still support the likes of Hillary and Bill.
now i wouldn't worry about 'hits' on this amazing work of art called the mighty SISU.
it's all about quality...
and you have it in droves.
pure gold indeed.
Posted by: HNAV | January 17, 2008 at 12:47 AM
You've got a lot more fluffy and wonderful snow than we have here in Ohio/Cincinnati. If we're gonna have winter, I say bring it on all the way. A frosting of snow is just a nuisance!
BTW, my sitemeter was acting strange too. I guess it's elves in the network again.
Posted by: Patti | January 17, 2008 at 11:03 AM
This is a phantom reader... I will not show up in your sitemeter stats... *grin*
Hope they get sitemeter back up and working very soon.
As for the cold - we just got an oil delivery today so I believe we're ready... as long as the electricity doesn't go out.
Posted by: Teresa | January 17, 2008 at 01:20 PM