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« Thanks a million! | Main | Behind a smokescreen of environmental concern »

January 01, 2008


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More of the same. Intellectuals who are paid too much and find life too easy. "Lets put ourselves in the limelight and also receive grants for fake research." The intensity of the sun's rays varies over the centuries, and that has and always will affect the temperature here on earth.

Agreed, I was delighted to read that in the NYT. Bit of a sea change going on here, and it's about time!

Pretty soon they'll be calling it "global cooling" or "nuclear winter" again, just as they did back in the late 60's early 70's. And once again they will not find it incongruous that they have done a complete about face in the matter. They will simply ignore what came before because we all know... if they don't talk about it, it never existed. *sigh*

Interestingly, Jonah volunteered to be tossed overboard - perhaps, owing to his guilty conscience, he had a deeper understanding of what was placing the sailors and their ship in danger.

Two decades ago, scientists were getting all panicky about a possible impending Ice Age. Maybe we'd be better off creating a prosperous, resilient world economy in which humans can thrive regardless of the ups and downs of the environment.

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