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« Baby Cakes in Kris Kringle's Kitchen | Main | Now we are four »

December 06, 2007


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If they're comfy and you love them AND the kitties have a good time with the box... what more could you want! *grin*

I was thinking about what to get our cat Zelda for Christmas then realized I already got her what she wants when our gifts were delivered: cardboard boxes in various sizes to play and sleep in. I will keep them around through the season.

Zip up front boots !


The L.L. Bean tygerboots are in indeed.

Very cool...

Keeping the feet warm and dry is essential.

Especially for Angel making in the Snow.

I must confess I had sticker shock when I went shopping for boots the other day. I didn't buy them last year for my son and I knew that I would have to break down and get them this year. He is not big on playing in the snow and when he does he is the five minute kid. I didn't have to worry about super warm boots. But for crying out loud when the cheapest pair you can find is at Target for $35.00. How do some families make it through the winter.

What a great game and a fantastic box! Tiny does seem to approve! Wonderful Images as always. Scritches for Tiny and Baby!

Oh and we had trouble with the trackbacks! Sorry, I don't know why they wont work.

Peace and Purrs

I barely have time to sit and think, let alone surf the Internet, but I have to take a moment every single day for my Tiny and Baby fix.

They are my everyday eye candy.

Very sharp pics, Sissy.

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