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November 02, 2007


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Money not only talks, it yells. Blogs spread the story to those who may not otherwise hear it. Those people, many being alumni of the school, hear it, and donate accordingly. Amazing how that works.

Unfortunately, without the threat of losing money, I doubt that the story alone would have changed anything. And that's the saddest part of all.

Thanks be to the Blogosphere. We may still have time to warn that the socialist, communist, fascist mentality is trying to become dominant in our education system before they pass laws that say revealing their plot is hate speech.

So sad to see what has happened in Our Universities.

It has been ignored far too long.
And it is far from over...

Will we see a SISU review of Hillary's Drexel Flop?

I was so very glad to see my employer for 27 years, the University of Delaware, get busted for its diversity program. This was by no means the first example of the thought police indoctrinating students at UD. It might not have even been the most egregious. Five or six years of protesting the takeover of free expression of thought by radical leftists in high positions on campus had taken its toll on this ex-employee and parent of two UD students' health. When the women's studies department refused a student group's request to sponsor a feminist speaker on campus because that speaker did not toe the pro-abortion feminist line, this long-time worker decided it was time to get outta there. Better retire from the fray than get carried out on my shield after a stroke...

President Patrick Harker is my new hero. This is his first semester on campus. I'm not saying David Roselle would not have done anything about the residence hall diversity program -- but I think even with the bad publicity he might have stonewalled the whole thing. RAs had been complaining for at least two years about the program, and Roselle did nothing. Nothing was exactly the response that my Catholic Scholars group got towards its many complaints of outrageously leftist-slanted movies and speakers held on campus as part of diversity workshops, women's history month, and sexual awareness week.

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