"Ominous use of dark and light and lengthy sequences without dialogue characterize both Tiny and Baby's and Ingmar Bergman's films," we wrote a couple of years back, comparing the cinematographic style of the Chelsea Grays' "Want your supper?" with that of the great Swedish director's "The Virgin Spring." Last year, in the magic light of a setting sun, Baby and Tiny were at it again, inviting our camera's eye to explore the sounds of silence. More of the same this afternoon as the scene shifted from dining room and kitchen (above) to up close and personal on our computer desk and printer (below).
As the mystical moment of incantation -- Want your suppers? -- drew near, the brooding Bergmanesque mask of "Meows and whispurrs" slipped a little, Tiny's eyes glazing over and Baby's restive gaze and tilt of the head seeming to say "Come on, Grandma. Let's eat!"
Update: More meows, purrs, bow wows, grrrs, tweet tweets and a babel of sound and furry at Modulator's Friday Ark #161.
It's been a rough week. These pictures of the beautiful Chelsea Grays kind of make all the stress disappear. Thanks for that and for sharing these gorgeous creatures with us all.
Posted by: Gayle Miller | October 19, 2007 at 04:24 PM
sorry to hear Ms. Miller had a bad week, but perhaps it is in the air.
i cannot think of anything that really seemed productive in my efforts of late.
do kittens have bad days?
but then, when i consider Harry Reid trying to take credit for some charity, when he offered slander, and various MSM outlets backing up the vivid deceit, i simply laugh.
you cannot make it up...
Posted by: hnav | October 20, 2007 at 09:58 AM
Awww, Baby and Tiny are so fluffy gorgeous! We want to hug and squish them! Hope you all have a fantastic week ahead and see you soon! Purrs from us
Posted by: Megan & Bad Kitty Cats | October 22, 2007 at 08:44 PM