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September 15, 2007


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Great photos catching the expressions of both Tuck and Baby. However, I think it is species bonding rather than male bonding. My Lucie and my Purrky are of different sex but they both love to bond with me in the same manner as Tuck and The Babe.

No doubt about it. Male bonding is more provocative a title than species bonding.

If you continue to starve that husband of yours, I am going to bring him a couple of Big Macs and fries and Strawberry Milkshakes.

Come on down, Bird Dog, and don't forget the peach pies!

Tuck is a keeper, no doubt about that. But if I were going to try to seduce anyone in Sissy's household, it would be Tiny and Baby! Men are great but cats RULE!

What a gorgeous kitty cat. I love his bushy tail.

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