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« Making nice | Main | "I’m not the only person who dips insects carefully out of the pool" »

August 31, 2007


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Innovation and imagination seem to be the spice of the Cold Turkey Cookbook.

Sam the cat made himself affable this past weekend (and this truly was a FIRST) to total strangers Joann and Howard who are DOG people to their fingertips - but they fell in love with him, just as he did with them. Sam's rather impressive size may have swayed them - at 28 pounds he is quite uncatlike!

Meanwhile the Tim lad decided to make friends with visitor Bobbette yestereday. Bobbette was charmed to the point that she was sweet talking Tim that he was going home with her because after all, he was a classy cat and she had this pretty Mercedes sitting out in our driveway and if he's just scoot out there and hop in, she'd be right along! I watched her CAREFULLY when she left. About an hour later I asked Linda - "Did Bobbette come back?" because I didn't see Tim who was, it developed, taking a snooze on Linda's bed.

Meanwhile, Sam was lying ON HIS BACK with fluffy white belly in full view, in the middle of the living room so that both Mom and Aunt Linda could admire!

Clearly, we had a most enjoyable weekend. It was ESPECIALLY delightful because of Ohio State's victory over Youngstown State AND because of Appalachian State's victory over the despised University of Michigan! I'm SOOOOOOO competitive.

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