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« Everybody OUT of the pool! | Main | "They were like putty in our hands" »

August 05, 2007


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What wonderful pictures. Looks like a terrific time was had by all! *grin*

Ain't life beautiful? Just stopped by to say hello.

Oh Sisu, this is wonderful! There was a period of years when we all gathered, EVERY WEEKEND, at my parents house in Boca Raton, FL (my parents & us 4 kids & our spouses & kids; more cousins down in Miami would join in). We were on an access canal to the Intracoastal & 10 minutes from Atlantic Ocean, so lots of boating & fishing; large meals with the extended family, etc. And the best part was, our (my 3 siblings & mine) kids grew up for a period of years together & thus are quite close - there are 10 of them. (And now, a great grandbaby on the way for my Mum!) Oh, you leave me with another broad smile!

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