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« Beached | Main | I have many curious things to show you* »

July 14, 2007


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Great photos and a most interesting history. Good things can be overdone. Preservation to save beauty is a great thing but not if the preservation deprives all but the elite the opportunity to enjoy. As an example, elimination of corporate controlled forests leads to huge forest fires and wasted resources.

I haven't been to Revere Beach in years, so I'm delighted to hear it's doing so well. Though if Kelly's leaves, it won't be the same

great pictures. I have got to Revere Beach 5-10 times a year since I was a kid. I have not heard any rumors of Kelly's leaving though.

Dear Sisu,

Thank you. I rode the Cyclone! Late forties. Most poignant memories are the merry go round, the bumper cars and the foot-long steamed hot dogs on steamed buns.


Wow !

such amazing works in the sand, all to be lost in time...

love the shot of your shoes with snails trail.

will i ever get to a beach again in my lifetime?

seems so far away...

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