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July 04, 2007


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those sneaky beverages...

What a wonderful post.

Women are the most special, no matter how the mighty Lumberjacks feel, at the time.

Wishing you and yours the finest FOURTH of Independence.

Freedom is so joyous.

PS: Yes, Mr. Obama is troubling, but then when placed in the context of the Clintons, he becomes less problematic.

"...our tender ministrations to provide them a home-cooked meal were scorned."

I make it a point to never provide ministrations. I provide food and let anyone over the age of reason decide whether or not they are hungry enough to grab some. *grin*

This reminds me of a conversation I had with my mother 20 some odd years ago...

Mom: Make your husband a sandwich!

Me: What? Why? He's watching TV.

Mom: It's lunch time, give him something to eat.

Me: He's perfectly well able to get up and make exactly the sandwich he wants when he's hungry. He's not, so leave it be.

Mom: It's lunchtime you need to feed him!

Me: No, I don't - leave it alone.

Hehehehehe. I'm afraid I shall never be a person who ministers.

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