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« Function follows form* | Main | Ten-finger exercise »

July 24, 2007


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Welcome back from the big blackout!

WooHoo you are doing soooo well! I haven't done scales in years. Can't stand the things. *grin* I go by clothes... I don't want to buy new ones. So if mine start getting tight - I figure it's time to cut back. ;-)

I'm so proud of you though - you go girl!

He is getting too skinny.

Congratulations. I suppose for those who can't walk an hour a day that typing at the keyboard of the computer uses a few calories and consuming less food can reduce an over abundance of pounds.

Sissy, you manage to make everything look beautiful, even a scale. It's a gift!

Congratulations on sticking with the lifestyle change... it takes fortitude, but you've obviously got the thing whupped. :D

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