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« Silk Stalkings* | Main | Good enough to eat »

July 19, 2007


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Name me two cats better known to the Blogosphere than Babe and Tiny.

"Thanks to Tuck's recommendation..."

LOL - Tuck recommended reading the manual? He's gonna get thrown out of the old boys club at this rate. Men never read manuals.

I'm glad you found the portrait mode - I believe most cameras that are better then the "point and shoot" variety have got a mode like this. I know our old cameras all have it including our digital.

Have fun with the photos! And as usual Tiny and Baby are in fine form.

Except for my exquisite Tim and my stupendously handsome brat Sam, there ARE no more beautiful pussycats than Baby and Tiny!

Being concierge to my two boys has slightly rotted my brain!

Baby and Tiny look fabulous in these photos--as I'm sure they do in real life.

Thanks for your comment about my "cat art." Yes, cats are great artists in their own right. Have you seen the book Why Cats Paint? I hear there's a movie coming out, too!

Sisu - I love your puddy pics, and I love visiting here. When I leave, it is always with a smile on my face :)

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