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« Their male bonding had distanced them from us | Main | When plants garden »

July 05, 2007


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My lap-fungus, equally sweet natured Siamese Tim doesn't go outside, but he has now made friends with my sister's 70+ pound Pit Bull mix male dog Zeus. Zeus is a timid soul who is terrified of thunderstorms and firecrackers and spent the early part of this week sitting on my lap or Linda's for comfort (my lap may not recover) and will not be 2 years old until November. A sweeter animal you couldn't find. I'm am besotted. And Tim and Zeus together are hilarious!

I'm definitely doing that salmon recipe TODAY so my sister and I can celebrate her return from work with wine and a nice snack!

Take care Sissy.

I was so lucky to have Sisu come and be the hostess for a wonderful family orientated Fourth of July.

"Once the young hatch and dig out of the nest, they are immediately independent."

Simply amazing...

Wonderful photos...

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