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« Good enough to eat | Main | Function follows form* »

July 20, 2007


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how many times have i visited the mighty SISU, only to find myself feeling a bit hungry...

Best with "Hebrew National Quarter pound Dinner Franks". Next best is Nathan's quarter pounders.

We didn't have microwave ovens when I was a kid so we put a couple of ten penny nails through a board, attached some wire, put the dog on the nails than plugged it in to the wall socket. Quicker than microwave.

I can't eat hot dogs anymore... but in any case, when I could I never cared for them microwaved. Boiled... broiled... grilled... yes. Microwave... no. Don't know why but never liked the taste. *grin*

Nathans hot dogs are incredible! That's my favorite thing about shopping at Costco! You can get a Nathan's hotdog and a soda for $1.50! We ALWAYS stop for a dog on our way out!

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