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« Here comes summer | Main | When plants garden, Part II »

July 06, 2007


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Thanks for the linkage. It's going to take a number of bloggers getting the word out to reach critical mass with this little photo assignment.

I think, among other ends, the object of this task (of floral compositions near roadways) reminds us that you can find beauty in nature not so far off-road. And that we only imitate nature in our formal gardens. -- Fred

As you know, Camelot has informal lawns and gardens to let nature choose. One has to restrain the wild, but its beauty is not to be denied.

Pure brain food, Sissy and easy on the eye.

I am trying to get a conservative digg alternative going called GOP Hub (GOPHub.com). Anything you can do to help with this effort would be awesome. Plus feel free to submit any articles you write here on your blog :). Take care and have a great weekend!

"An unplanted roadside garden"

so cool...

North America is green and growing.

Don't these things always seem to happen "before" you're going to do something else to help the situation before YOU see it coming, not when IT feels like happening?? Can't muck with nature!

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