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May 02, 2007


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Let us hope that we can find a tolerant Muslim culture such as you may have in the woman who smiled. That would be beauty in an unexpected place.

Sissy, you're such a tease. *grin*

I'm sure your wonderful pictures will impress whoever receives them... but I'd have to ask them why they aren't reading your blog already. ;-)

In my time across the bridge from you, I learned more to worry about the Latin gang problem (apparently there've been more than a couple recent machete attacks - hallmarks of MS-13) than the Maghreb problem in that neck of the woods. That said, I've always wondered why no one's ever done an investigation of al-qaida activity in the Wood Island/Orient Heights area of East Boston.

Now you've got me scared, Be. Ever since our Chelsea vet closed up shop and went into partnership with a vet in the next town, we take Tiny and the Babe right into the Orient Heights area for their checkups.

Orient Heights is wicked Catholic - nothing to worry about. The Maghrebins in the neighborhood are pretty quiet, and are not going to go after you largely because you're clearly anglo...it's a combination of politesse, knowledge that they're largely not legal, and takkiya. The illegal latin-types, on the other hand, are the ones you've got to watch out for, as they're brutes. I've not blogged about that, because whenever I did, I was treated with spam from the local blog aggregator regarding my racist tendencies. (I'm not: I speak both Spanish and Portuguese)

Anyway - don't worry about your trip to the vet - you'll be safe. And the best you can do (I do the same thing on my commutes to and from work) is continue to smile: it's a beautiful bit of sunshine that radiates and reflects off the others you chose to give it to.

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