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May 27, 2007


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Beautiful... just beautiful. I love the ocean... add in a rocky coastline and I think it's just heavenly. That's the best thing about New England. Sandy beaches are nice for a change, but there is so much beauty in a rocky ocean coastline. And a gorgeous weekend to enjoy it... y'all have fun. *grin*

gorgeous images...

all the best wishes to all on this Memorial, with a special memory for those who passed away fighting for freedom in this World for the Home of the Brave.

i love that song...

of course, a personal favorite is that song "it's all or nothin"...

It cain't be "in between"
It cain't be "now and then"
No half and half romance will do! :-)

Our home is the uni-verse, becomes celestial music
when our being is tuned to the sphere, whose center is everywhere, and whose circumference is nowhere.

- so say the Pythagoreans.

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