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May 13, 2007


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Blue Indigo brings tears of joy and sadness.

Beautiful. She watches over you still.

As an adopted person with no familial ties, I can appreciate the continuity and veneration of loved ones gone before.
Happy Mother's Day!

pam - you are welcome to join my family at any time. We are nuts (being Hungarian and all), but we're also great cooks, rightwing, and love a joyful time! Blood ties are no a requirement - we'll treat you JUST AS BADLY as those who are related by ancestry!

Sissy - I don't think we ever get over the loss of our parents - I know I never have really. I still think of my mother almost daily and know that despite my numerous messy situations since her death, she still loves me and wishes me well.

Beautiful post remembering your Mother.

Spent yesterday afternoon with both my parents who are 79 and 81. Yesterday was my Dad's birthday and my Mother was delighted it fell on Mother's Day this year.

I am so lucky I have both parents in good health at their ages.

Your Mother still watches over you with a loving embrace.

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