Tiny was out on the back stoop early morning gazing upward with intense concentration. At first, in typical feline fashion, she appeared to be seeing things we don't, but then we took a closer look, and there was young Rocky Raccoon, Jr, teetering on the first tier of branches of the Silver Maple, about 10 feet above the terrace.
"The Justices have spoken; the verdict is in," says National Center for Public Policy Research President Amy Ridenour, responding with distaste to the 5-4 Supreme Court decision yesterday to jump on the "sky-is-falling" environmental bandwagon, ruling that the Environmental Protection Agency has the power to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from cars:
The National Center for Public Policy Research called the decision "a victory for the bad guys in the battle over whether the American people will be governed by accountable elected officials or unaccountable judges."
"Unable to convince the Senate to vote upon, let alone ratify, the Kyoto global warming treaty, the left has adopted the Kyoto-by-stealth strategy of asking judges to force its version of science into the pocketbooks of the American people."
As we opened the back door to enquire of Tiny's wishes, she hurried back inside, perhaps remembering that notorious encounter a few years back when she lost a canine tooth to that panicky neighborhood 'coon who nearly "done her in." Rocky, meanwhile, after snacking on a few maple flowers, backed down the tree and beat a leisurely retreat.
When we heard the news, after a ritual tearing of the hair and bashing of the head against the wall, we keened to Tuck, "How come our side NEVER wins?" A little reading revealed that at least the good guys in robes recognized it as a sham:
[Ridenour] added that -- as dissenting Justices John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito have said -- policies regarding "the alleged threat of global warming should . . . be determined by the Congress and the Chief Executive" . . .
"The Supreme Court should have stayed out of the way. The legislative and executive branches are empowered by the Constitution with the duty of setting environmental policies, and, unlike our rapacious judicial branch, also are accountable to the American people," she added.
Meanwhile, the usual suspects "hailed the ruling":
"While this case has worked its way through EPA and the courts, scientific evidence of global warming has continued to mount -- so much so that the scientific debate is over," said Earthjustice attorney Howard Fox.
Our climate is warming, and pollution from human activities is a major cause," Fox said in a statement. "Harms include rising seas that submerge coastal lands, stronger hurricanes, more drought, melting ice caps and degraded ecosystems."
Same old same old. The Big Lie mantra, intoned before, during and after truth-seeking skeptical scientists' arguments have gone in one ear and out the other carries the day. It's been a wicked huge disillusionment for this passionate believer in our separation-of-powers, checks-and-balances system. Ever since Kelo vs. City of New London -- that eminent domain decision to allow politicians and developers to take everyday citizens' private property away from them for "the greater good," we've been sick at heart at the dying of the light of the Founding Fathers' vision. To think that Paul Begala's "Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kinda cool" adheres among the left-leaning prima donnas of the highest court in the land. God help us.
*Blogpost title is from the lyrics of the Beatles' "Rocky Raccoon."
My advice to these Constitution destroying judges is to remember Nuremberg.They were put to death for their rulings. If they continue we shall have a dictatorship and it may be that W will say enough. America must live and fools must die.
Posted by: goomp | April 03, 2007 at 05:59 PM
Survival of the fittest is surely represented by raccoons living by the ship docking canal in the City of Chelsea. Let us hope that the people of the United States of America will prove equally adaptable to the challenges of the Islamic Hoard.
Posted by: goomp | April 03, 2007 at 06:22 PM
nothing supreme about it...
just more reason to get some serious voters to the polls in 2008.
i don't want Hillary picking another Ginsberg.
we have had enough laughs...
Posted by: hnav | April 03, 2007 at 08:36 PM
Raccoon: Clean, skin, quarter. Marinate overnight in red wine, olive oil, rosemary and thyme. Season well with salt and pepper, then grill to medium, and serve with a robust red, salad, and potatoes of your choice.
Posted by: bird dog | April 03, 2007 at 09:16 PM
The Believers are not going to stop until we all get back to the horse and buggy, quit using toliet paper and bow down to Gaia as the new GOD.
Meanwhile, the Believers will continue living their convenient lives and justify them by purchasing the scam, Carbon Offsets, from Al Gore's company.
Posted by: Tara | April 04, 2007 at 11:17 AM
I have posted the full text of the Logan Act on my site. Why is it not being ENFORCED?
Posted by: Gayle Miller | April 04, 2007 at 11:40 AM
The Supreme Court Justices have now shown us why they went into law as opposed to science... they have zero scientific aptitude and they should stay the hell out of scientific debate. Geeze!
Posted by: Teresa | April 04, 2007 at 12:49 PM