Tiny in the little house and Baby occupy the terrace in the countdown to supper the other day before the deluge -- billed as a historical Nor'easter, but give us a break, "The lamest nor'easter I've ever seen" according to The News Junkie at Maggie's Farm -- that kept us nevertheless pumping out the cellar for the last period of time.
"If you get up in the morning and imagine your worst day, it doesn't get much worse than this," Virginia Governor Kaine is telling Brit Hume this evening, echoing what Tuck himself said earlier this day re the horror of waking up happy as a clam this morning as the president of a fine southern university or the police chief of a low-key college town and suddenly finding oneself this evening in the glare of the unforgiving national media spotlight.
Every story that comes down the pike is all about the perpetrator of the narrative in question. In the case of the horrific Virginia Tech massacre, if you're a pro-Second-Amendment type, it shows that the students would have lived had they been able to defend themselves with guns. For the anti-gun types, guns -- not people -- kill people. The press conference with the college prez and the police chief was a classic "Jaws"-type cover-your-ass [PMF] deal. Everyone came off looking bad. Without knowing anything about anything, one can't help imagining that if the university authorities had told the kids to lie low early, many would still be alive and well. It's unconscionable that some of the parents still don't know the fate of their precious ones.
An introduction for the nature-denying liberals of our campuses to the world that human nature creates.
Posted by: goomp | April 16, 2007 at 07:18 PM
very sad indeed...
remember when these liberals said the Washington Sniper had to be a White Right Wing Religious Extreme?
these liars in the MSM make me sick.
young kids are killed, and they can only think of their mindless political greed.
the other day, ABC misreported the AG's statement in the WAPO.
then CBS misrepresented the statements of the President.
Posted by: hnav | April 17, 2007 at 01:16 PM
Keith Olberman of MSNBC is blaming Bush for the massacre at Va Tech and his blame is based on faulty information.
Funny. I thought the shooter is the villain here.
It is the lowest of the low to inject a political agenda during a time such as this and the MSM has fallen so low that down is up.
Posted by: Tara | April 17, 2007 at 08:23 PM
My mom called all sad and depressed when she heard about the shooting. Even though I'm not a kid anymore, she still feels for the parents whose children have died in this VA massacre. I guess she wanted me to hold her tight and tell her that I was all right and I will be okay.
I couldn't since I was on the phone, but I told her I was fine. I think she uttered a tearful, "I love you."
Sad really. You know, people argue that banning guns on campuses increases safety. However, it doesn't really matter if one has homocidal tendencies. They're either going to smuggle one on campus or use something else. I believe there was one where they allowed guns on a private school campus where there was a shootout, but that's one compared to TONS where the students could not carry. I wonder if we applied a different solution THAT way, would it go down like where crime went down when they allowed conceal and carry permits.
It disgusts me where they blame the people instead of saying that the shooter had homocidal tendencies and quite disturbing behaviior. I'm sure that along the way where he stalked women and wrote disturbing things that they blamed everybody except him.
Posted by: andophiroxia | April 18, 2007 at 03:27 PM