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April 08, 2007


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Sorry, I know how much you like this Pope, but he's staying true to his predecessors.

We had John Paul, who met with and shook the hand of one of Sadam's top government officials before the start of the war, commiserating with him over the harsh tactics of the American bully. Or how about when Pope Pius refused to speak out against the Holocaust... Just 2 small examples of a heinous disregard for the plight of those who are under such rule.

Why the long line of Popes seem to think that there is nothing wrong with dictators and tyrants who kill millions, has left me puzzled as to what gives them any moral authority. *sigh* As far as I'm concerned, once you ignore or agree with dictators and their cronies - you lose all credibility.

such a great photo...

i know this Green Foiled Bunny from Easters Past at the mighty SISU.

in my interpretation, i felt this fine Pope was referencing the monstrous terrorists, not necessarily the Allies led by the USA, trying to help the young Democracy in Iraq.

but then again, i am forced to rely on reports from a very biased press...

either way, i see even more progress in Iraq, which is most important.

looking for Democrats to step up efforts to undermine the admirable mission, because of growing positives...

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