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April 26, 2007


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Many in the Boomer generation and their offspring were never taught to study history and to assemble the facts from both sides of a situation before reaching a conclusion. Intelligent people who are ignorant of history and of how human nature works are in dire peril. Thanks be that a few like Mr. Broder are beginning to see the light.

I always think of the term "American People" as a cop out. Though I fit the criteria of being American and a Person, I know that they've certainly never contacted me regarding this (or anyone I know, for that matter). I know I sound like Pauline Kael, but, well, still waters run deep. Especially in Cambridge/Somerville.

If the Dems were REALLY listening to the American people, Harry Reid would resign his post and so would Nancy Pelosi. They are both incompetent hucksters.

But then, who am I? Just one of the "little people" they so claim to adore!

Save Joe Lieberman, almost every Dem in Congress today is a flim-flam wo/man!

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