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April 25, 2007


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Relief from stress is a primary need. Soothing sights and sounds or the spirituality of cats, they all help.

My 2 cats give me great comfort in a mad paced world.

It sounds like this is for people driving in and out of Logan... at least the article said it's out in the garage area. I wonder if I'll see any of it. Probably not as I never drive to Logan - I drive to the Shuttle and take that out to the airport. I'll try to remember to take a look when I head to DC in about a week.

My personal preference is to avoid all airports, all the time. In addition, any place that I can't take my cats is becoming an unacceptable alternative for me.

The older I get, the more I find soothing comfort in their presence - even when they are wearing their "goofy" hats. My substitute when I'm not around my two loves is to look at pictures of the Chelsea Greys.

Gayle: I feel the same as you do about airports, having spent way too much time in them in the past. The problem is, though, that I fell for someone who lives somewhere across the ocean and alternative means of visiting aren't practical.

Over the past year, we've made 24 flights (not counting stopovers) and have ended up in all sorts of airports. So far, our favorite has been Logan. Between the raw bar in terminal C, the adirondack chairs in the concourse between C and E and the Janney installation, it blows the competition out of the water. For me, the second best is Keflavik; for him, Detroit. De Gaulle is our least favorite, though they are renovating.


Teresa: We'd have missed it if my friend who picked me up hadn't have parked in central parking (on the roof, no less.) Usually I take the T back...speaking of which, love the improvements at the stop.

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