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« The long-lost survival skills that are our species' birthright | Main | "I actually enjoy going to Logan now" »

April 24, 2007


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I don't feel qualified to pass judgement on the topic. However, I have seen instances from peiods of artistic fashion that can be interesting. Still traditional has wider appeal for me than innovations that are primarily geared to attract attention.

Goomp: I think this work is more akin to landscape architecture -- placemaking -- than to art objects that say "look at me." Tuck and I are planning to walk over one day soon and have a look for ourselves . . . Will let you know what we think. :-)

Coming back home last January, I ran into this installation and was *completely* blown away by it. The soothing sounds combined with the light streaming in through the windows provided such a soothing transition between the nightmarish travel experience (headwinds caused our flight time to be doubled - from six to nearly 13 hours) and the upcoming day at work.

My ride home was also impressed by the simplicity (and relatively low cost?) of the setup too. We both agreed that this was public art that we were more than happy to fund.


Never thought I'd say this, but I actually enjoy going to Logan now. The terminals they've renovated so far are becoming destinations in their own right for me.

Be: I've forwarded your wonderful comments to the designer. Can't wait to experience it for myself. :-)

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