"What a face," says Tuck of the Babe, caught by our camera's eye this afternoon in the countdown to supper. Like the select few movers and shakers who constitute the Committee on Present Danger (described below), Baby Cakes has no patience for "the politically correct sensitivity about religion that prevents us from confronting the real enemy."
"We need to make Lieberman less lonely. And we need to expand the circle of Scoop Jackson Democrats," says Lawrence Haas, vice president of policy for the Committee on Present Danger [thanks to the ever vigilant Goomp for the heads up]. Kathleen Parker explains:
Originally formed in the 1950s as a bipartisan education and advocacy group to deal with Soviet expansionism, the committee was reorganized early this year to address the global threat of "Islamist totalitarianism'' -- the committee's new name for our enemy.
Part of the committee's concern has been the Bush administration's failure both to adequately communicate our mission and to properly name the enemy. Our war is not against "terror,'' but against a specific enemy -- a virulent, religion-based ideology . . .
Although most of the committee's efforts will be focused on educating Congress, a broader goal is to break through the politically correct sensitivity about religion that prevents us from confronting the real enemy.
It's good to know that even as Henry Waxman and his fellow Lilliputian BDS sufferers fritter away the "mandate" of their election victory last November trying to tie the President down with a hundred tiny strings of innuendo, there are at least a few grownups inside the Beltway -- on both sides of the aisle -- who recognize the real enemy and are on the case. Parker continues:
Simply put, the present danger is a worldwide threat from radical Islamist terrorism that has a strong state sponsorship component, an overt and covert military component, and an "insidious peaceful component" that is now present in the United States.
That is to say, peacefully and without much notice, Islamists are trying to use our laws of tolerance against us to carve out exceptions for themselves. The radical Islamist faction that has infiltrated and intimidated Europe has found a home in our polite denial.
The latest, greatest example of the enemy's using our laws against us -- those flying imams who are suing everyone in sight for hurting their itty bitty feelings -- perfectly illustrates the insidiousness of the "peaceful" component of the Jihad. As John at Powerline writes:
It is fair to infer, I think, that one of CAIR's purposes in supporting the imams' case against U.S. Airways et al is to intimidate and deter future air travelers from reporting any suspicious behavior they may observe, if that behavior is engaged in by people they perceive to be Muslims.
We can be thankful that when God gave tyranny a face, he gave it a fool's face. The one thing these psychopaths cannot tolerate is humor at their expense. Benedick at Powerline Forum shows no mercy:
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to US Airways Flight 300 with service to Phoenix. Please observe the seatbelt signal and note that, due to federal regulations, this is a non-smoking flight. In addition, despite our nation’s recent experience with terrorists hijacking airplanes and crashing them into buildings, we ask you to observe the following restrictions: If you see any passengers behaving in a suspicious manner that causes to you feel fear or anxiety, please do not report that to the flight crew.
Be sure to read the whole thing. It's the best medicine.
Update: For more medication for the soul, check out Modulator's Friday Ark # 130.
Haha. I won't report it. I will simply grab my bag and run off the airplane. Is that OK with them?
If they ask, my reply will be "Do I look stupid? I gave up suicide for Lent."
Posted by: bird dog | March 16, 2007 at 08:20 PM
These Imams were faking and goofing on the passengers, and were probably trying to get tossed off the plane just so they could play the victim card and go to court and make a scene. Any judge who allows this is garbage.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
pretend to be terrorists
scare people on a plane
get thrown off claim racism
Posted by: USpace | March 17, 2007 at 06:19 AM