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January 25, 2007


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It is the view of the elite media and those over whom they fawn (the leftist elites in public life - whether politics or Hollyweird) that they should HAVE self-esteem because they WANT self-esteem, that they should HAVE whatever they want in life because they WANT IT. The idea of making a true commitment, exerting themselves and working hard toward a goal is completely foreign to these infantile lounge lizards who do not connect the two concepts of rights and responsibility in the slightest manner. Our cats have a more clearcut sense of morality than do these fools masquerading as statesmen.

That, I think, is the root cause of Bush Derangement Syndrome: Deep in their secret hearts, no matter how often they proclaim their superior intellect or judgment over our Presidents, they know that President Bush has more integrity and character in his little finger than they have ever had in their entire lives or will ever have. And they hate him for being, essentially, a better human being than they will ever be.

At least that's my take on things.

An excellent commentary on the ignorance, avarice, and general ineptitude of a large section of the elected and the profesional classes. We are not burning yet but should the views of these incompetents prevail we shall indeed see western civilization disappear.

"they know that President Bush has more integrity and character in his little finger than they have ever had in their entire lives or will ever have." - Gayle Miller

Sorry Gayle, but using the words "intergrity" and "character" in the same sentence with Bush shows your complete lack of understanding of human nature and intention and your willingness to be manipulated by the right wing noise machine. You should get out more often. Get to know a "liberal" or two and maybe they can help you to purge the hatred you carry like so much excess baggage in your heart.

elmerg, you said:

"You should get out more often. Get to know a "liberal" or two and maybe they can help you to purge the hatred you carry like so much excess baggage in your heart."


Why don't you get out more often and purge yourself of your smug and superior assumptions ?

Projecting just a bit,, eh ?

I work for freaking TRIAL LAWYERS elmerg - they are the most liberal asshats on planet Earth! I am around them too much. I find their smug assumption that everyone is as bent leftward as they are to be the most galling. If they but knew it - every single support person in their office is a right-wing REPUBLICAN!

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