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January 17, 2007


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Sissy, we need some prayer for our cat, Captain. Tonight my husband was giving him his pill for his bladder infection and accidently gave him his own pill, flexoril, which he's been taking since he threw his back out. We usually have a very difficult time getting pills down him but did get him to take the pill. Then my husband looked at the pill bottle and realized what happened.

We immediately took him to the emergency clinic and they gave him some injections to make him throw it up but it must have already dissolved in the twenty minutes it took to get him to the emergency clinic.

They kept him for the night to watch over him just in case. My husband is just sick over this. So am I. They think he will be okay and I am in hope they are right.

I hope so too, big time. He is a trouper, as are you and your hubby.

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