The biggest difference between human children and what some call child substitutes -- the best friend of our salad days, Carol Pine, famously said with more than a grain of truth that for many of us children are ANIMAL substitutes -- is that cats take no prisoners. Children are at our mercy, but cats are always in control. Babe, above, applies the think system to extract kitty treats out of his human familiars.
"Now we know our leaders either lied to us or hid the truth. Because of our actions, the rest of the world sees us as a bully and a liar," intoned 12-year-old robot Moriah Arnold at yesterday's give-peace-a-chance-lite rally on the Mall. How poignant to see our fellow Americans on the left side of the aisle using the very same child-rearing indoctrination techniques that Jihadis use to twist the psyches of their young into hatred of the other from the cradle. Horrific that "the other" in this case is their fellow Americans. Don't you love it when people know -- and care beyond any principles they might or might not have themselves -- what "the rest of the world" thinks? Pariahs happen. Just ask John Kerry.
You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!
No cat worth his salt cares a fig about what "the world" thinks. Only a pandering politician -- Is there any other kind? Isn't that redundant? -- would ever think of things in those terms. Yes you, John Warner, Susan Collins, Chuck Hagel, Olympia Snow, Norm Coleman, Sam Brownback et al. The rest of the world? How about what we Republicans who voted you into office think? Just asking.
One holiday night at my ex's family's house long, long ago, I was awakened by screaming and crying. Apparently the five-year-old son of the ex's cousin (theatRE professor) and Mme ex's cousin (head of the women's studies dept) at a major SUNY school was having a nightmare about Evil George Bush chasing him to kill him. Ex's aunt - the mother of the theatRE prof - said that mom and dad talked politics all the time to the boy, though she didn't approve of it. My only response was that, if they were lower class, possibly of a different race, and in Boston, they'd have had their son in state custody posthaste.
Posted by: be | January 28, 2007 at 02:01 PM
Isn't it amazing how the MSM will tout the spoutings of a child as if it's gospel truth. I don't believe I've ever seen a child with conservative views being paraded before the cameras... even to laugh at them. Funny how that works.
Posted by: Teresa | January 28, 2007 at 02:43 PM
The world which liberals dream about is a fools pardise and attempting to achieve it may place us all in an inferno.
Posted by: goomp | January 28, 2007 at 04:27 PM
The Columbus Weirdos (my new nickname for my cats after this weekend past) don't care about anything except me. If someone comes into the house that upsets me, or causes me stress, Sam will politely clutch the hem of their skirt or pants in his jaws and start tugging them towards the door. Tim of course has the soul of a trollop (which is why he's called the Lap Fungus with great affection).
But Sam - who appreciates how fortunate his life has become after a very rocky start - is endlessly and ferociously protective of me. He has been known to walk to the front door and hiss at someone he distrusts just walking past my door! Animals are astounding in every way. I feel so blessed to have these two delightful characters in my life.
Posted by: Gayle Miller | January 29, 2007 at 11:59 AM
I believe Jimmy Carter asked his daughter Amy who was 12 or 13 at the time he was President, her views on the most important issues at the time ( 1980 ) and Amy said nuclear weapons ...
"I had a discussion with my daughter, Amy, the other day, before I came here, to ask her what the most important issue was. She said she thought nuclear weaponry - and the control of nuclear arms. "
Liberals use kids as a means to prop up their preferred foreign policy goals of appeasement and surrender.
It's always for the children.
Just ask Nancy Pelosi.
Posted by: Tara | January 31, 2007 at 11:57 AM
I was a member of the counter-protest group "Protest Warrior" for a while in Chicago. The lefties talk about how they love children-yet at EVERYTHING I went to I saw the left exploiting kids-little kids.
Once a woman and her daughter-who was maybe 2 or 3- crossed to the side that we were on because she was leaving early.
As she walked by-carrying her little one-she said to her baby, "Don't look at the bad people."
The summer of 2005 I DID take my then 11 y.o. son to the Chicago Air & Water Show to show support for our troops-but that's the extent of his "activism".
Now almost 13 I do talk politics with him-and yes, because His step-father and I lean right,he leans right.
I also understand however, that kids in that age all of a sudden know everything-just ask them.
He may be taller than we are-but he's still a mouthy...child.
Yes. He's still a child.
Rather than than treating his lefty contemporaries as youthful sages-their parents would be doing everyone a favor by remembering that.
Posted by: annoying little twerp | February 05, 2007 at 07:30 AM