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December 18, 2006


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Bah Humbug.

I submitted a carnival of the cats submission and have proof it was received but still, Sabby was left out of the carnival. At Christmas time.

Poor little Match kitty, Sabby.

He's sitting outside the blog window at the House of Chaos looking in and shivering, as all the other beloved cats roll in their own special catnip of attention and drink of the milk of bloggy kindness.

Sabby's left all alone, with nothing but a carnival receipt and an empty match box.

Not even one brittle bone of a mouse.

Laura Lee: Here's a little fresh cybercatnip for your beautiful boy:

"Not worth a kitty litter box in need of scooping" http://sisu.typepad.com/sisu/2006/12/like_laura_lee_.html

Oh, thank you Sissy. Sabby is sitting right by the monitor looking at the screen. Sometimes I do believe he can read.

Sabby is very smart, as are Tiny and Baby, and Captain and Sam. I'm reserving judgment still on my Tim. Either he really enjoys acting the fool or he really is a fool! I take no bets in either direction and today they are locked in the spare room (with ample food and water and an immacute litter box) because the monthly visit of the cleaning crew is upon us! Thank goodness.

I will be suitably chastised when I return home tonight in any event, despite the fact that I lock them up to protect them from the dreaded vacuum cleaner which terrifies Tim and enrages Sam!

I've been putting up the tree and decorating it tonight and Sabby and Captain are just sitting by it in awe.

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